Cats as a type of animal have been around for many thousands of years. While dogs were tamed about 25,000 years ago, cats proved to be far more wily. They treasured their independence far too much to become tame. However, about 4,000 years ago, the Egyptians figured it out - they treated the cats like gods! They gave the cats the best of food, put out the finest cushions for the cats to sit on. The cats of course loved this treatment. In return, the cats kept the homes rat-free. Considering how many diseases were carried by rats, and how big a problem rats were back in those days, it was a perfect relationship.
Fast forward to today, we have bred over 40 different recognized breeds today, as well as many mixed breed cats.
Cats are not that far off from the other "cat" creatures out there - tigers, lions, panthers, and so on. Their bodies are in essence the same shape, just a bit smaller. They mark their territory. They like to live in small groups, but they like to hunt and eat alone. They defend their territory from strange cats.